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Shahzad Siddique Pvt Ltd.
Playing a pivotal role in the private sector, Shahzad Siddique (Pvt) Ltd. in terms of sales and assets ranks among the top thirty business houses of Pakistan. Since its inception in 1980 the group has grown from a weaving unit into a premier business group comprises of Weaving, Finishing and Textile Home Furnishing & Fashions.
The unit, growing consistently through the latter half of the nineties, entered year 2000 with the fresh spirit of mechanical and dynamic scientific trend along with the 3000 + dedicated employees. Today we rightfully lay a claim on becoming a diversified facility for our valued customers. We have the confidence to hold up our enviable status as the best among our competitors. With a phenomenal growth rate and export sales of more than US$30 million per year, the company is well on its way to success. Exports amount to about 80% of sales to major stores in Europe and else for USA (South America) and now to Australia & South Africa.

S.S is unique in its size and scale in comparison to other companies considering its multidimensional approach. Combining technology with its age old commitment to quality, gives S.S an unparalleled competitive edge.
“Textile, being the single largest revenue source for any group in Pakistan has always been the core area of attention. That is why the bulk of our future plans and strategies revolve around it. Special emphasis has been placed to explore new markets, meeting customer demands, improving quality, developing new products and diversifying the exports to non-conventional markets to achieve better results in future.”